When I am Me and You are You

1 min read

“Her husband is respected at the city gate, where he takes his seat among the elders of the land. She makes linen garments and sells them, and supplies the merchants with sashes.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭31:23-24‬ ‭NIV‬‬

He has a life and she has a life. They both have their own interests, friends, and occupation. One sees the other and celebrates and respect his/her accomplishments. He is fully a person and so is she.

This is a beautiful picture of people who have their own identity and in their freedom chose one another. This is a picture of a healthy relationship. A relationship of support and mutual partnership.

I once heard “when I am me, and you are you, we can be… but if I am you or you are me we can’t work”. It’s good to be in relationships, but it all starts with developing our selfs first and foremost and not seek our deficit in our partner, but in the Lord.

My name is Arturo and I am loved by God and in response to that I best serve others by adding VALUE to their lives. My goal is to enrich lives, relationships, and communities.
From an artistic standpoint I’m a visual communicator and via the use of photography I seek promote beauty, concepts, and messages. Spiritually speaking I've served as a chaplain at a addiction/recovery rehabilitation center, and before that as a youth pastor, missionary, and Young Life/Club Beyond staff for many years here in the USA and abroad.
On the mental health side I currently serve as a life coach, certified addiction recovery specialist, and marriage and family counselor.

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