Power Couple

1 min read

“Drink water from your own cistern, running water from your own well.” Proverbs 5:15 NIV

The main reason I know this verse is because a line from the artist Marcos Vidal which says “Bebe el agua que brota de tu propia fuente y no busques saciarte en otra corriente pues solo traerá tristeza a tu corazón 🎶…”. It mainly says what today’s verse tells us: draw strength from your own sources and avoid depending/longing for sources other than yours, for this will bring sadness to your heart. 

Tracy and I seem to go to therapy (yes, counselors need counseling too!!!) every 5 years or so. This last time (beginning of 2019) it was evident the root of my issues was an unhealthy dependence/expectation/attachment to my wife. It was super evident and it was all on me. In short I was mad she wasn’t doing/saying/provide what she was never meant to do/say/provide on-demand for someone else. Bad combo. 

Let us learn and lean on our own sources and not depend on anything that could be taken away. You and God are a majority and that’s the most powerful couple there is. 

My name is Arturo and I am loved by God and in response to that I best serve others by adding VALUE to their lives. My goal is to enrich lives, relationships, and communities.
From an artistic standpoint I’m a visual communicator and via the use of photography I seek promote beauty, concepts, and messages. Spiritually speaking I've served as a chaplain at a addiction/recovery rehabilitation center, and before that as a youth pastor, missionary, and Young Life/Club Beyond staff for many years here in the USA and abroad.
On the mental health side I currently serve as a life coach, certified addiction recovery specialist, and marriage and family counselor.

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