On my 42nd Bday

1 min read

«Lord, remember David and all his self-denial.» Psalms 132:1 NIV

The context of this verse I remember very well, it was about David’s desire to build God a temple. The beginning of the chapter was what I have forgotten: David’s self-denial.  It says that David will not do XYZ as his priority is ABC. 

Today, as I turn 42 years old, my realization of the importance of saying no to certain things, keeping my ego in check, fasting from XYZ, and quality over quantity keeps growing and it’s becoming clearer and clearer the older I get. 

Let us celebrate life as we tighten our potential and live with purpose. 

My name is Arturo and I am loved by God and in response to that I best serve others by adding VALUE to their lives. My goal is to enrich lives, relationships, and communities.
From an artistic standpoint I’m a visual communicator and via the use of photography I seek promote beauty, concepts, and messages. Spiritually speaking I've served as a chaplain at a addiction/recovery rehabilitation center, and before that as a youth pastor, missionary, and Young Life/Club Beyond staff for many years here in the USA and abroad.
On the mental health side I currently serve as a life coach, certified addiction recovery specialist, and marriage and family counselor.

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