
1 min read

“Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her:” Proverbs 31:28 NIV

There’s something powerful about giving unexpected and simple compliments to people. Yes, it is one of the 5 “love languages” but it’s also a simple ingredient that packs the power of changing the relational air we breath. I’ve seen it in counseling, working for Apple, and today we also see it in the Bible. 

Try to give out a few unexpected compliments today, and don’t expect anything in return. Just give them as little treats and observe. Not only these have an effect on the recipient but in us as well. It’s mental health gold, and it is free. 

Let us practice building people up today. There’s not much of it in the world and we have the power to make a little difference. Let’s do it. 

My name is Arturo and I am loved by God and in response to that I best serve others by adding VALUE to their lives. My goal is to enrich lives, relationships, and communities.
From an artistic standpoint I’m a visual communicator and via the use of photography I seek promote beauty, concepts, and messages. Spiritually speaking I've served as a chaplain at a addiction/recovery rehabilitation center, and before that as a youth pastor, missionary, and Young Life/Club Beyond staff for many years here in the USA and abroad.
On the mental health side I currently serve as a life coach, certified addiction recovery specialist, and marriage and family counselor.

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